Use Pen drive or Memory Card as RAM in Windows

RAM (Random Access Memory) is the memory which computer uses to work on different processes.The more RAM you have, the faster the process is.
As now a days there are large number of programs and software's which require a large amount of RAM to be run properly.
Usually Most Of the Old Computers Has on 512MB or 1GB RAM. But, that’s not enough to run some High Memory consuming software's.
Especially, the Games require a big amount of RAM to play smoothly. I have faced many problems with Games on my computer due to RAM.
First I,ll show you a manual way and after that I,ll provide you a software for this purpose.
The basic scheme is this that we are going to use a pendrive or USB drive as a RAM, yes it is possible all the memory available in a removable pendrive/USB can be converted into RAM to increase the working speed of the computer.
So, here I am going to show you how you can use your USB Pen Drive as RAM.
If you have 512 MB of RAM or even if it is just 1GB then this post is especially for you.
Manual Method to Convert USB/Pendrive Into RAM:-
How to use pendrive as ram memory in windows xp!!
8) Now, from the local drives list, click on your Pen Drive letter.
Then Select the Option Custom Size after than
Set the Initial Size and Maximum Size as
depend upon your Pen drive Space....
A very very Important Suggestion to UNDO this
Follow till Step 7 after that set the initial size and maximum size to value 0 (ZERO).Click SET then select the option no paging file button.Once you do this DO NOT REMOVE YOUR DRIVE.
How to use pen drive as ram memory in windows 7 and windows vista.
Windows 7 and Windows vista comes with a ready boost option.
Q - What is ready boost
Ans - "ReadyBoost is a disk cache component of Microsoft Windows, first introduced with Microsoft's Windows Vista in 2006 and bundled with Windows 7 in 2009
It works by using flash memory, a USB flash drive, SD card, CompactFlash, external hard drive or any kind of portable flash mass storage system as a cache.
If you are using a high configuration PC, It doesn't show any effect on speed because if you are a normal user I think only a few times you use your full ram memory but if you are using an old pc with low ram memory(Like 512 MB or IGB) and harddisk & using vista or 7.
It speed up your PC and you will see the result, reduced application data loading time, reduced shutdown and restart time and many more you can't imagine without High ram memory.
How to use this feature
1) Format your Pen Drive with FAT file System.
3) Check Use this device->
Choose maximum space to reserve system speed.
4) Click on Apply and OK.
5) Your readyboost PenDrive is ready Now to Use.
Do NOT pull flash drive out of USB Port while it is being used as a ReadyBoost device.
Do NOT save any data files on the flash drive when it is being used as ReadyBoost device.
Using eBoostr Software to Convert USB/Pendrive into RAM.
A clean software is also present for this purpose which is known as eBoostr, It will convert your removable device memory into RAM and thus computer speed will be increased to a large extent.
Is Eboostr Free and which windows is capable of running it?
No, Eboostr is not free and it is available at a non-expire able trial version it means that we can use it continuously for just 4 hours. After that our PC will have to be restarted in order to make eBoostr active and working again.
Don't worry this software i have made Full free only for Hackers Zone Group Members.
I have Successfully Written crack for this software and Shared only free with Hackers zone group Members...
The Software is Password protected and Encrypted so you cant retrieve without password.
And those who are members pls ask me for key in Group or Blog comment.
I will Inbox you.
Use Hidden RAM
eBoostr can utilize this RAM in the creation of an intelligent cache, boosting your system's performance
Installation procedure:
Install the file given and when it asks for a reboot give as to reboot manually later.
Next go to task manager and find EBstrSvc.exe and eBoostrCP.exe and end their processes
As now a days there are large number of programs and software's which require a large amount of RAM to be run properly.
Usually Most Of the Old Computers Has on 512MB or 1GB RAM. But, that’s not enough to run some High Memory consuming software's.
Especially, the Games require a big amount of RAM to play smoothly. I have faced many problems with Games on my computer due to RAM.
First I,ll show you a manual way and after that I,ll provide you a software for this purpose.
The basic scheme is this that we are going to use a pendrive or USB drive as a RAM, yes it is possible all the memory available in a removable pendrive/USB can be converted into RAM to increase the working speed of the computer.
So, here I am going to show you how you can use your USB Pen Drive as RAM.
If you have 512 MB of RAM or even if it is just 1GB then this post is especially for you.
Manual Method to Convert USB/Pendrive Into RAM:-
How to use pendrive as ram memory in windows xp!!
Here is the required procedure for converting USB/pendrive memory into RAM manually…
1) Plug your pendrive into PC/laptop (Minimum 2GB Maximum 4GB
for better Performance). Format your Pen drive with FAT file System.2) Right Click On My Computer.
3) Open up properties.
4) Go to Advanced Option.
5) Now select Settings of Performance.
6) Again Click on the Advanced Button which is shown
In the popup Window.
7) Now click on Change button shown in Virtual memory.
Then Select the Option Custom Size after than
Set the Initial Size and Maximum Size as
depend upon your Pen drive Space....
9) After than click on Set and apply the changes.
10) Restart your PC/Laptop and Thus you are done.
A very very Important Suggestion to UNDO this
Follow till Step 7 after that set the initial size and maximum size to value 0 (ZERO).Click SET then select the option no paging file button.Once you do this DO NOT REMOVE YOUR DRIVE.
How to use pen drive as ram memory in windows 7 and windows vista.
Windows 7 and Windows vista comes with a ready boost option.
Q - What is ready boost
Ans - "ReadyBoost is a disk cache component of Microsoft Windows, first introduced with Microsoft's Windows Vista in 2006 and bundled with Windows 7 in 2009
It works by using flash memory, a USB flash drive, SD card, CompactFlash, external hard drive or any kind of portable flash mass storage system as a cache.
If you are using a high configuration PC, It doesn't show any effect on speed because if you are a normal user I think only a few times you use your full ram memory but if you are using an old pc with low ram memory(Like 512 MB or IGB) and harddisk & using vista or 7.
It speed up your PC and you will see the result, reduced application data loading time, reduced shutdown and restart time and many more you can't imagine without High ram memory.
How to use this feature
1) Format your Pen Drive with FAT file System.
2) Now go to properties->Select ReadyBoost.
3) Check Use this device->
Choose maximum space to reserve system speed.
4) Click on Apply and OK.
5) Your readyboost PenDrive is ready Now to Use.
Do NOT pull flash drive out of USB Port while it is being used as a ReadyBoost device.
Do NOT save any data files on the flash drive when it is being used as ReadyBoost device.
Using eBoostr Software to Convert USB/Pendrive into RAM.
A clean software is also present for this purpose which is known as eBoostr, It will convert your removable device memory into RAM and thus computer speed will be increased to a large extent.
Is Eboostr Free and which windows is capable of running it?
No, Eboostr is not free and it is available at a non-expire able trial version it means that we can use it continuously for just 4 hours. After that our PC will have to be restarted in order to make eBoostr active and working again.
Don't worry this software i have made Full free only for Hackers Zone Group Members.
I have Successfully Written crack for this software and Shared only free with Hackers zone group Members...
The Software is Password protected and Encrypted so you cant retrieve without password.
And those who are members pls ask me for key in Group or Blog comment.
I will Inbox you.
Use Hidden RAM
32 Bit version of Windows 7 cannot use RAM over 3.25 GB
eBoostr can utilize this RAM in the creation of an intelligent cache, boosting your system's performance
Installation procedure:
Install the file given and when it asks for a reboot give as to reboot manually later.
Next go to task manager and find EBstrSvc.exe and eBoostrCP.exe and end their processes
Now open the crack folder and copy the 2 files and copy them to C:\Program files\eboostr
And now restart your PC and start using eBoostr Full Version.
And i am also posting the way to use it..
Follow the screen shots:
To initialize the device
To Remove the Device after Using
Don't forget to Remove the cache device before you shut down your system or else it leads with an error..!
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