Unlock Vodafone K3770-Z ZTE Modem [Tutorial]
Vodafone comes in India as Hutch mobile operator replacement, in a short time Vodafone makes large number of customer all over India. Currently Vodafone is leading GSM and 3G service provider with satisfied customers. 3G is completely new in India and most of operators start their 3G service in India. All mobile operator also released some 3G dongle to access 3G providing by him. Vodafone also have some good quality 3G dongles to get 3G on laptop and computer. Previously Vodafone launched K4505, K3565 and K3570 USB modem. Now latest dongle from Vodafone is Vodafone K3770-Z ZTE version with 7.2 Mbps downloading speed and high speed uploading also. To make review for my visitors I just purchased this modem from my local Vodafone store. Look wise it is same like K3570-Z slim and easy to carry. Modem have no option to insert memory card. One more thing I got from DC-Unlocker that it is designed with new ICERA Chipset not with Qualcomm. I insert TATA Docomo SIM card and modem easily detected it without any unlocking process. But Vodafone default software not permission to connect any other SIM card than Vodafone. Currently I have no direct solution to access this modem using other SIM card but we can use this modem without any software using Windows Dial-up feature.
How to use or Unlock Vodafone K3770-Z ZTE modem to use other SIM Card ?
I already told you that modem is already unlocked need one another connection manger to access internet using other SIM card. Here I am going publish some steps to access TATA Docomo SIM card on Vodafone K3770-Z ZTE modem but using same steps you can use any other SIM card than TATA Docomo.
1. First of all Install default Vodafone software which is comes with USB buit-in. Once you install this software on your computer and all device driver installed uninstall this software again because we need this software only for driver.
2. Now our system have no Vodafone software only drive installed for Vodafone K3770-Z ZTE modem. You can check for driver from Device manager.

3. On same device manager you can see your ZTE modem in Modems section. Right click onVodafone Mobile Broadband modem and choose properties.
4. In Advanced tab you can see one box for Extra initialization command. Here you need to enter your mobile operator APN with some extra command. In case of TATA Docomo SIM card APN is TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET. You need to enter full command like below:

Never copy this line from here because Inverted Commas in website are differ from keyboard typing commas. So please type is manually. Finally click OK to proceed next step.
5. Now you need to make on Dial-Up connection. I am using Windows 7 but other Windows XP have same process of Dial-up connection.
6. In Windows 7 Start menu search type Network and Sharing Center and open. On main screen click on Set up a new connection or network.

7. On newly open window select Connect to the Internet option and press next button.

8. After click on next button select Dial-up option.

9. Now it is final step to connect your Vodafone K3770-Z modem. Once you click on Dial-up option from previous step you will see one more new window with dial-up settings. Here you just need to enter Dial-up phone number *99# and Connection name to remember . It is same for all mobile operators.

All steps are complete now you need to press Connect button. After short time of process your Vodafone K3770-Z modem will connect with TATA Docomo SIM card.
One more thing you can do with this Dial-Up, you can create desktop shortcut of newly created TATA Docomo dial –up connection. To create Dial-up shortcut open same Network and Sharing Centerand click on Change adapter settings.

Here you can find all Windows default dial-up connections. Just choose your Dial-up connection and right click, on right click menu you can see create shortcut option.

I already told you that modem is already unlocked need one another connection manger to access internet using other SIM card. Here I am going publish some steps to access TATA Docomo SIM card on Vodafone K3770-Z ZTE modem but using same steps you can use any other SIM card than TATA Docomo.
1. First of all Install default Vodafone software which is comes with USB buit-in. Once you install this software on your computer and all device driver installed uninstall this software again because we need this software only for driver.
2. Now our system have no Vodafone software only drive installed for Vodafone K3770-Z ZTE modem. You can check for driver from Device manager.
3. On same device manager you can see your ZTE modem in Modems section. Right click onVodafone Mobile Broadband modem and choose properties.
4. In Advanced tab you can see one box for Extra initialization command. Here you need to enter your mobile operator APN with some extra command. In case of TATA Docomo SIM card APN is TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET. You need to enter full command like below:
Never copy this line from here because Inverted Commas in website are differ from keyboard typing commas. So please type is manually. Finally click OK to proceed next step.
5. Now you need to make on Dial-Up connection. I am using Windows 7 but other Windows XP have same process of Dial-up connection.
6. In Windows 7 Start menu search type Network and Sharing Center and open. On main screen click on Set up a new connection or network.
7. On newly open window select Connect to the Internet option and press next button.
8. After click on next button select Dial-up option.
9. Now it is final step to connect your Vodafone K3770-Z modem. Once you click on Dial-up option from previous step you will see one more new window with dial-up settings. Here you just need to enter Dial-up phone number *99# and Connection name to remember . It is same for all mobile operators.
All steps are complete now you need to press Connect button. After short time of process your Vodafone K3770-Z modem will connect with TATA Docomo SIM card.
One more thing you can do with this Dial-Up, you can create desktop shortcut of newly created TATA Docomo dial –up connection. To create Dial-up shortcut open same Network and Sharing Centerand click on Change adapter settings.
Here you can find all Windows default dial-up connections. Just choose your Dial-up connection and right click, on right click menu you can see create shortcut option.
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